A wellness program for People with Parkinson’s.

With Parkinson’s Disease, all movement matters! If you love to Dance, Cycling, Strength Training, Balance, or Stretch, so do we!

PD Pedalers

Indoor cycling and Chair Yoga program to improve balance, movement and overall conditioning. This program is an on-going program.

This program is offered for free through a community grant.

This program is open to all community members, Parkinson's Members and their Care partners. 6-month Memberships are also given out by request, funded by our grant as well. 

Movement Matters Program:


    60 minutes


    Coaching using Forced Exercise Method (i.e., pedaling at a higher rate than a voluntary cadence)

    Goal: Movement that Matters

    Level 1: This class will be conducted on recumbent and/or stationary bikes.  No special equipment is required.  

    Level 2: This class will be conducted on upright, spin bikes. Suggested Equipment: padded bike shorts and tennis shoes to fit inside of a pedal cage or bike shoes

  • COST

    $10/ 8-Week Session Y Members

    $60/ 8-Week Session Program Members

The YMCA of the Capital Area proudly presents Movement Matters supported by a community grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation.

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