A membership at YMCA gives you access to all 8 YMCA of the Capital Area locations.


At the Y, you’ll find more than just a place to workout. With opportunities to connect with new people, develop new skills and explore new interests, you might discover a new passion too!


More than a gym

YMCA Membership gives you the opportunity to improve more than your health, as a member of the Y, you are also helping support your community!

Financial Assistance

We are committed to welcoming all. Scholarships are available for all YMCA programs upon request, based on financial need and availability of funds. Click here to apply.

Certified Instructors

Our certified instructors bring exciting choreography, motivation and belonging to each class.

Volunteer Opportunities

Members are invited to get involved by sharing their time and talents to enrich the whole community.

Health and Wellness Support

We offer personalized training and nutrition services to help improve overall health.

Community Classes and Events

Specialty classes and events are offered to help educate, enhance togetherness and encourage new connections.


The YMCA of the Capital Area is proud to be a part of the Y's Nationwide Membership Program. As a part of this program, Y members can visit any participating in the U.S. or Puerto Rico. To find a list of participating Y's, please visit See the YMCA of the Capital Area locations by clicking here.

Membership Information

  • Membership Categories

    Young Adult - Any person between the ages of 15-24. Joining dues: $60, Monthly dues: $41

    Adult - Any person 25 or older. Joining dues: $60, Monthly dues: $57

    Adult Couple - Any two adults w/ no children or dependents who share the same address. If wishing to add dependent children, the applicable membership category and associated rules would apply. Joining dues: $100, Monthly dues: $82

    Single Parent Household - One adult and up to four dependent children under the age of 18 who reside at the same address. Joining dues: $100, Monthly dues: $79

    Family/Household - Any two adults and up to four dependent children under the age of 18 who reside at the same address. Dependent children between the ages 18 – 24, who are full-time students, can be kept on the membership for an additional $15/month for each dependent. (Proof of address/dependency(tax returns required for verification)/student  i.d. must be provided.) Joining dues: $100, Monthly dues: $89

    Senior - Any person 65 or older. Joining dues: $60, Monthly dues: $49

    Senior Couple - Any two adults w/ no children or dependents who share the same address. At least one member must be age 65 or older. If wishing to add dependent children, the applicable membership category and associated rules would apply. Joining dues: $70, Monthly dues: $74   

    YMCA Express Only Individual- Any person age 15 and up.  YMCA Express access only. Joining dues: $25, Monthly dues: $30

    YMCA Express Express Only Individual + 1 -Any two individuals ages 15 and up w/ no children or dependents who share the same address.  YMCA Express access only. Joining dues: $50, Monthly dues $60

    Tennis Membership at Lamar Tennis Center: 

    Additional $35 per month

    24-hour access membership: 

    Additional $5 per month

  • Insurance Membership

    Silver and Fit, Active and Fit, Active and Fit Now- Eligible members receive a free full membership to the Y. Silver and Fit, Active and Fit-To receive the membership, please bring your insurance plan card and photo ID to the Y and fill out a YMCA membership application. Active and Fit Now- To receive the membership, please bring your photo ID to the Y and fill out a YMCA membership application.

    One Pass® or Renew Active™ - Available exclusively from UnitedHealthcare® Medicare, Peoples Health Medicare and UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Louisiana Medicaid plans.  One Pass® or Renew Active™ eligible members receive a free full membership to the Y.  To enroll in the program, you will need to provide our facility your Renew Active or One Pass confirmation code and fill out a YMCA membership application.  To obtain your confirmation code, log onto your UnitedHealthcare or Peoples Health member website and go to Health & Wellness and look for Renew Active or One Pass, or call customer service at the number on the back of your member ID card.

    Humana Healthy Horizons® - Available exclusively from Louisiana Humana Medicaid plans.  Humana Healthy Horizons eligible members receive a free full membership to the Y.  To enroll in the program, you will need to provide our facility your Humana Healthy Horizons insurance card and fill out a YMCA membership application.  

    FitOn Health- Available exclusively from Blue Bross Blue Shield of LA Medicare plan.  Eligible participants, please bring the email received, should include fitness ID number, from FitOn Health confirming eligibility and a photo ID to the Y and fill out a YMCA membership application.

    Humana Healthy Horizons in LA members 21 years of age and under receive one session of swimming lessons (8 lessons). Please sign up at the front desk of the YMCA. 

  • NFL Memberships

    Through the Trust’s partnership with YMCA of the USA (Y-USA), former players are eligible for a free one-year Individual or Extended Household Membership at a participating YMCA location. 

    Click here for more information.

  • Military Outreach Initiative

    The Armed Services YMCA and Department of Defense Outreach Initiative offers YMCA memberships to eligible military families and personnel who may not have access to a nearby military facility. Eligible military families and personnel include:

    Family members of deployed National Guard and Reservists

    Active Duty families who live in one of the selected Joint Bases created by the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process (contact Military OneSource at or 800-342-9647 for a list of eligible Joint Bases)

    Active Duty Independent Duty personnel and their families as approved by their Military Service Headquarters

    Relocated spouses and family members of deployed Active Duty personnel

    Note: Eligibility is for Title 10 personnel only.

    Getting Started

    Eligible military families and personnel should follow these steps to benefit from the YMCA Military Outreach Initiative:

    1. Contact Military OneSource at or 800-342-9647 to confirm eligibility and receive an eligibility form. 
    2. Fill out and bring your eligibility form, Military ID and any other required documentation (generally your Deployment Orders or Military Service Headquarters approval letter) to a participating YMCA for verification (please do not leave copies of these documents at the YMCA).


    The Department of Defense will underwrite memberships at participating YMCAs for an initial six-month period for each eligible family and service member. Membership renewals in subsequent six-month intervals (up to 12 or 18 months depending on eligibility) will be funded based on a military family’s or service member’s ability to meet the participation requirement of eight visits to a YMCA each month.

    About the YMCA Outreach Initiative

    YMCA of the USA, the Armed Services YMCA and the Department of Defense have launched the YMCA Military Outreach Initiative to address the needs of families of deployed military personnel who live far from a military installation and require access to child development, family strengthening, and health and well-being programming.


    The YMCA Military Outreach Initiative leverages the YMCA movement’s national scale and mission to engage families facing the hardship and uncertainty of military deployment. The nation’s 2,686 YMCAs have the unique capacity to respond to the needs of this widely dispersed population through supportive, community-based programs that foster a healthy spirit, mind and body.

  • Guest Policy

    The Y is a member organization and seeks to encourage memberships through guest privileges. A member can have as many guests purchase a guest pass as they want, but only one guest can come with them at a time. 


    The following rates apply:

    Youth - $10.00

    Adult - $20.00

    Out of Town Guest - $50 per week 


    Youth Guest:

    A member can have as many guests purchase a guest pass as they want, but only one guest can come with them at a time. Members are invited to bring local guests three times per year to enjoy the Y.

    Each guest must be accompanied by a member. Guest ages 14 and under must provide a valid photo ID on each visit. All guests must take a picture. All guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied and signed in by a current Y member age18 or older on each visit. Guest under the age of 15 must meet our Youth Supervision requirements.

    Each guest must be properly checked-in through Member Services at the Member Welcome Center. The current Y member will be held responsible for any discipline issues of their guest(s) up to and including suspension or termination of membership.

    Adult Guest:

    A member can have as many guests purchase a guest pass as they want, but only one guest can come with them at a time. 

    Each guest must be accompanied by a member and provide a valid photo ID on each visit. All guests must take a picture. All guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied and signed in by a current Y member age 18 or older on each visit.

    Each guest must be properly checked-in through Member Services at the Member Welcome Center. The current Y member will be held responsible for any discipline issues of their guest(s) up to and including suspension or termination of membership.

    One Week Out of Town Guest:

    Out-of-town households (participants who live in the same household) who are guest can purchase a weekly pass. Passes purchased are only good for the month they are purchased in. They do not carry over and cannot be extended. Do not have to be accompanied by a Y member.

    The out-of-town guest will be required to provide proof of residence outside the Y service area and show a valid id. No more than two weekly passes can be purchased per year. Guest must be at least 18 years old or if it is a household attending, at least one guest must be 18 years old.

    Please note that the Y reserves the right to limit or deny guest pass privileges at any time. Also, note that members are responsible for their guest’s actions.

  • Cancel or Update Membership

    If you need to make changes to your membership, please complete the Membership Update Request Form

    If you wish to cancel your membership, please complete the Membership cancellation request form after reviewing our membership cancellation policy

     If you are having trouble with your monthly membership dues, please consider applying for a YMCA Scholarship.  

  • Holiday Hours

    The Y will observe the following holiday schedule for the holidays listed below:

    **24-hour access locations are open 365 days for 24-hour members. **

    New Year's Day:  8am - 1pm 

    Mardi Gras: Open until 1pm at the following locations: 

    A. C. Lewis YMCA, Americana YMCA, Dow Westside YMCA, Paula G. Manship YMCA.

    Good Friday & Easter : closed

    Independence day: closed

    Labor Day: Open until 1pm at the following locations: 

    A. C. Lewis YMCA, Americana YMCA, Dow Westside YMCA, Paula G. Manship YMCA. 

    Thanksgiving: closed

    Christmas eve and New year's eve: Open untl 1pm 

    Christmas Day: closed

    **The Charles W. Lamar Jr. YMCA, YMCA Express and Dow Westside YMCA will be available for 24-hour members. 

  • Financial Assistance

    Scholarships are available for all YMCA programs upon request, based on financial need and availability of funds. Click here to apply.

  • Membership Manual

    Click here for the YMCA of the Capital Area Membership Manual



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